Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What about bad weather?

So, you plan your photo trip for the week and on that one day you have set aside it rains. What do you do? This is a question that I have to ask myself way too often. The first thing is to go anyway. Some of the most dramatic photographs I have seen were taken on the edge or during a storm. Most modern DSLR can handle some rain but you can always wrap it in a plastic bag. If it turns out that the weather is just too bad then run to the store, buy some cheap flowers and set up for some quick macro work. Another option (not my favorite) is spend sometime on your computer going through your backlog of images to make sure they all have key words. You can also make sure that they are all post processed and ready to be displayed or printed. If you have Lightroom you might consider spending time creating presets that make your post processing easier. Again, these are just some ideas to keep your focus on photography and spend less time complaining about the weather.

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