I am a nature photographer at heart. I love wildlife, streams of flowing water, majestic mountains, and wildflowers in bloom. Here lately I have been working on portrait photographs and trying to find ways to make it unique. One way I have found is to combine portrait work with the outdoors for "on-location" portraits... While I was in Tennessee I had some folks that wanted portrait work done so we found a few locations and off we went. Well, the only exception would be the baby of course. Having great subjects is always a plus as I am sure you can tell by the results below. Take a look and let me know what you think.

ReplyDeleteI understand about being a nature person, first. LOL
I love how off-centered the little girl in the red shirt is. What a smile! With the brick wall, where did she get the flower?
The next one of the girl, she is posed...I like the background, but not crazy about how posed she looks. She looks uncomfortable...not sure how to fix that. =)
I love the boy. Attitude, growing up, caught in the moment, relaxed, and about to move. The background and the fence work very well to set him off.
The baby, well, it's a baby and I have no idea how to improve that photo, LOL. It's perfect!
She picked up the flower from the clover that was all over the ground. Trust me, there was no posing with her. I just had to take the pictures as they came. lol...
ReplyDeleteThe second one does feel really posed. She was not overly excited about being there so I was not able to get a candid photo. Her brother on the other hand (the third photo) just had a great attitude to photograph. He was indifferent to the whole process. I rather enjoyed that.
The baby... well she is an angel and she made it very difficult to take a bad photo.
All in all they were great folks!